Steaming and rusting fabrics


steaming flowers collage


A way of changing the colours of the fabrics I was using with natural products and methods was to steam them and rust them! When steaming the fabric I used silk as this soaked up the colours the best, i used vivid coloured petals and leaves. After this I then soaked the silk in vinegar and placed the petals and leaves on top and then rolling and tying with string. The final stage is to steam them in a pan with boiling water for an hour ( longer left better result) . After drying and removing the petals and leaves results showing a pattern and colour formed left on the silk creating a beautiful outcome to the silk. Image result for rose emojiImage result for leaf emoji



Rusting fabrics is another way to dye the fabric with a natural twist to it, again i soaked the fabric in vinegar as this makes the material soak up the colour better, after this I wrapped the material around some rusting objects i had come across (metal pipe and spanner) after letting these sit in the rain and then a bucket of water. Removing the string and the fabric relieved interesting patterns and a rich orange/brown colourImage result for orange heart emoji rust collage


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