
Image result for creative minds are rarely tidy


I’m currently in my third year at Liverpool Hope University studying design & art history, specialising in textiles!

 This blog will be a day to day look into my student life, including progress shots of my current uni projects, previous work photos, influencing designers and artists work. An insight into what gets my creative mind flowing.

Through out my work i have always been influenced and drawn to natural forms, including flowers, floral prints, natural surfaces, coastal lines and landscapes. I love BRIGHT & BOLD colours that catch the eye and draw people into my work, repeated images and patterns and manipulating images to create a whole new look to an image or object.

Areas of interest: 

  • Print making
  • Embroidery (hand&machine)
  • Screen Printing
  • upholstering & up-cycling 
  • Photography
  • Surface pattern creating

Hope you enjoy my blog!

Email: emma_smith_ox@hotmail.co.uk

Instagram: els_design